Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Learning Support Services

Peer-to-Peer Tutoring

Subjects Tutored

Tutors are able to assist students in 1000 and 2000-level courses and some upper-level courses as demand necessitates. Services are for students enrolled in A-State.

All tutoring is by appointment only. Appointments must be made using the Penji app. Appointments should be made at least 24 hours in advance when possible. 

Visiting Learning Support Services

Please bring all the necessary "tools" for learning, including lecture notes, text notes, textbooks, and course syllabi. 

Students can maximize their time in tutoring by arriving prepared with specific questions. The best way to prepare for tutoring is by attempting homework questions in advance, reading textbook assignments, and reviewing lecture notes. Tutors can best assist students already engaged with course materials. Feel free to message your tutor via Penji to give them an idea of what you would like to review. You can even share documents!

Learning Groups

Some sections of classes that are considered high-challenge offer peer or graduate assistant-led learning groups. The leader facilitates discussion and understanding of the material and how to best prepare and study for the class including improving specific study skills for that course. If you are a faculty member looking for a Learning Group Leader, please contact Kyle Walker, Director of Learning Support Services at 870.972.3150 or kwalker@astate.edu

Learning Support Coaches

Learning Support Coaches help students make the adjustment to college life! They can help with creating study plans, developing and/or improving study skills, prioritizing a schedule, learning how to effectively manage time, connect with various resources around campus, etc. If you are interested in learning more about the program or think that you would benefit from the services that Support Coaching offers, contact Kyle Walker at 870.972.3150 or kwalker@astate.edu!

Study Group Space

The Academic Hub is located on the 3rd floor of the Library.

CRLA Certification

Learning Support Services is Level 1 certified by College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) and is actively pursuing a Level 2 certification.
