Welcome to Arkansas State University!

We are happy you are considering being a language tutor here at Arkansas State University for our International Programs department! We know you will make valuable connections with students here at A-State and providing valuable skills to your peers. Here is some important information below that you should consider when applying to be a language tutor.


Tutors must complete 36 hours of teaching throughout the semester by having a 3-hour session per week for 12 weeks.


The curriculum of the program can be changed in accordance with the language proficiency and interest of the students. Any change made in the curriculum must be approved by the International Programs.


The language we would like the tutors to teach will be either Japanese or Korean. One tutor cannot teach both languages.


Students will make minimum wage per hour.


The schedule of sessions will be assigned by the International Programs with times set between 8am to 5pm on a weekday. However, tutors may adjust the schedule for each tutoring class in discussion with their tutees.

Weekly reports

The tutor will also have to turn in a weekly report to the International Programs Office of the attendees they have seen and get the report signed by their attendees.


Sessions will be held inside of the International Programs building.


Start date and other details will be given to students after being accepted as a student at Arkansas State University


Upon successful completion of the program, the international students will be awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Arkansas State University.


Due date for application is May 1, 2022