Welcome to Arkansas State University!

What Can I Do With This Major?

Finally, a convenient website that helps you connect majors with careers. Click on each major that interests you to find an outline of common career areas, typical employers, and strategies designed to maximize career opportunities.

Guide to Exploring Majors

This handout will walk you through some basic principles of choosing a major or career including decision making, the relationship between majors and careers, a variety of activities you can do, and some suggestions about next steps for you.

Download the Guide to Exploring Majors >>

Common College Majors

The list below are commonly available college majors.  This is not a list of majors offered at ASU.  To determine available majors at ASU, please review the appropriate bulletin. 

Keep in mind that these information sheets are representative of typical career paths associated with each major and not a comprehensive list. You may want to explore information and websites from multiple majors to help you learn about a wide range of career opportunities.

Don't Cancel Class

Don't cancel class - call Career Services!  We provide a variety of career planning presentations and workshops. Make a presentation request for your class or meeting by following the link below.

Presentation Request Form