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Marking its first hundred years, Arkansas State University continues to expand in exciting ways.
Department Directory
Department Phone Fax PO Box Chancellor's Office 972-3030 972-3465 600 Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration 972-3303 972-3972 2100 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research 972-2030 972-2036 179 Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management 972-3355 972-3002 189 -
Department Phone Fax PO Box Athletic Compliance 972-3162 972-3959 1000 Athletic Director 972-3880 972-3886 1000 Athletic Marketing 972-3930 972-2449 1000 Athletic Training Room 972-3342 972-2052 480 Athletic Ticket Office 972-2781 972-3825 880 Baseball 972-2700 972-2756 1000 Football 972-2082 972-2797 480 Golf 972-3411 972-2449 1000 Red Wolf Club 972-2401 972-2525 2219 Men's Basketball 972-2077 972-3015 1000 Sports Information Director 972-2541 972-3367 1000 Track 972-3350 972-3861 1000 Women's Athletics 972-3876 972-2449 1000 Women's Basketball 972-2303 972-3540 1000 Women's Golf 972-2777 972-3959 1000 Women's Soccer 972-2340 972-3243 1000 Women's Tennis 972-2795 972-2449 1000 Women's Volleyball 972-3876 972-2449 1000 -
Department Phone Fax PO Box Dean's Office – Agriculture 972-2085 972-3885 1080 Agriculture Farm Office 972-3836 972-3949 1080 Equine Center 972-2053 972-2057 1080 Agricultural Research 972-2043 972-3885 2340 Agriculture 972-2085 972-3885 1080 Agriculture & Student Advising Hub 972-2087 972-3885 1080 -
Department Phone Fax PO Box Dean of Business 972-3035 972-3744 970 Accounting 972-3038 972-3868 550 Business Computer Lab 972-2522 970 Information Systems & Business Analytics 972-3416 972-3868 130 Economics and Finance 972-2280 972-3417 239 International Business Information Center 972-3087 972-3088 Management, Marketing, and Supply Chain 972-3430 972-3833 59 Small Business and Technology Development Center 972-3517 972-3678 2650 -
Education and Behavioral Science
Department Phone Fax PO Box Dean of Education 972-3057 972-3828 940 Childhood Development and Research Center 972-3900 972-3902 908 Center for Excellence in Education 972-3943 972-3945 1270 Childhood Services 972-3055 972-3556 808 Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Special Education 972-3062 680-8130 1450 Health, PE & Sports Sciences 972-3066 972-3096 240 McNair Scholar Program 972-2440 972-3483 609 North Central Association/AdvancEd 972-2020 972-3420 719 Professional Education Program 972-2099 972-3422 720 RESTORE Hub 972-8062 - 790 ATLAS Transition Program 972-2000 - 790 HOWL Service Center 972-2000 - 790 HOWL Transition Program 972-2000 - 790 Psychology and Counseling 972-3064 972-3962 1560 Teacher Education 972-3059 972-3344 2350 -
Engineering & Computer Science
Department Phone Fax PO Box Dean's Office 972-3565 972-3539 1740 Computer Science 972-3978 972-3950 9 Engineering 972-2088 972-3948 1740 -
Liberal Arts and Communication
Department Phone Fax PO Box Dean’s Office 972-3973 972-3976 1150 Department of Art and Design 972-3050 972-3932 1920 Department of Music 972-2094 972-3932 779 Department of Theatre 972-2037 972-2830 2309 Fowler Center 972-3471 972-3748 2339 Department of Criminology, Sociology, & Geography 972-3705 972-3694 2410 Department of English, Philosophy & World Languages 972-3043 972-3045 1890 Department of History 972-3046 972-2880 1690 Department of Political Science 972-3048 972-2720 1750 Heritage Studies Ph.D. Program 972-3509 972-3207 69 Department of Communication 972-3091 972-3321 1930 Department of Media 972-3070 972-2997 1930 KASU 972-2200 972-2997 1930 Printing Services 972-2072 972-3328 1930 Media and Communication Graduate Student Director 972-2078 972-3856 1930 Media and Communication Advising & Career Center 972-3075 972-3321 1930 -
Graduate School
Department Phone Fax PO Box Graduate Office 972-3029 972-3857 60 -
Honors College
Department Phone Fax PO Box Honors 972-2308 972-3884 2259 -
Military Science
Department Phone Fax PO Box Military Science 972-2064 972-3611 1810 -
Nursing and Health Professions
Department Phone Fax PO Box Dean of Nursing and Health Professions 972-3112 972-2040 910 Athletic Training 972-3766 972-3766 910 Clinical Laboratory Sciences 680-8596 972-2004 910 Communication Disorders 972-3106 972-3788 910 Dietetics 680-8598 972-3554 910 Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management 680-8286 972-3554 910 Emergency Medical Services 680-8286 972-3554 910 Health Studies 680-8596 972-2004 910 Nursing 972-3074 972-2954 910 Nursing Graduate Program 972-3074 972-2954 910 Occupational Therapy 972-2610 972-3652 910 Physical Therapy 972-3591 972-3724 910 Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 972-3073 972-3485 910 Social Work 972-3984 972-3987 2460 Speech and Hearing Center 972-3301 972-3788 910 -
Sciences and Mathematics
Department Phone Fax PO Box Dean of Science and Math 972-3079 972-3827 1030 Biological Sciences 972-3082 972-2638 599 Chemistry and Physics 972-3086 972-3089 419 Ecotoxicology Research Facility 972-2570 972-2577 847 Environmental Sciences 972-2007 972-3827 847 Laser Research 972-3216 972-2339 419 Mathematics and Statistics 972-3090 972-3950 70 Molecular Biosciences 972-2007 972-3827 837 -
University College
Department Phone Fax PO Box Dean of University College 972-3574 972-3774 1330 Academic Support Center for Student Athletes 972-2721 972-3959 1000 Academic Support Center for Student Athletes 972-3702 972-3959 1000 First Year Studies 972-2080 972-3922 1090 Interdisciplinary Studies 972-3574 972-3774 1330 Learning Support Services 972-3451 Student Support Services 972-2320 972-3060 1390 Upward Bound 972-2575 972-2520 1390 Wilson Advising Center 972-3001 972-3414 2580 -
Service Areas
Department Phone Fax PO Box Access and Accommodation Services 972-3964 972-3351 360 Admissions Office 972-2782 972-3406 1570 Advancement Services 972-2060 972-3069 1990 Affirmative Action 972-2015 972-3040 1500 Alumni Relations 972-2586 972-2039 1990 Arkansas Biosciences Institute 972-2025 972-2026 639 Arkansas Delta Byways 972-2803 972-3201 2050 Arkansas Heritage Sites 972-2803 972-3201 2050 Assessment Services 972-2989 972-2336 1945 ASU Dining Services and Catering 972-3859 972-3415 99 ASU Foundation 972-3362 972-3359 1990 Banner Technical Support 972-3933 972-3818 2100 Beck Pride Center 972-2624 972-3788 910 Bookstore 972-2058 972-2201 180 Campus Card Center 972-2900 972-3214 1140 Campus Store 972-4129 Career Management Center 972-3025 972-2783 2490 Compressed Video 972-2532 972-2776 489 Central Ticket Office 972-2781 972-3825 880 Counseling Center 972-2318 972-3375 795 Cramer/Dolan Biosciences Institute Lab 972-4361 972-2026 639 Daycare 972-3900 972-3902 908 Dean B. Ellis Library 972-3077 972-3199 2040 Dean of Library 972-3099 972-3199 2040 Archives/Special Collections 972-2960 972-3199 2040 Cataloging 972-3348 972-3199 2040 Circulation 972-2460 972-3199 2040 Reference 972-3208 972-3199 2040 Delta Center for Economic Development 972-3000 972-3806 2710 Delta Center for Economic Development/Krueger 972-3850 972-3829 Delta Heritage Initiatives 972-2803 972-3201 2050 Delta Studies Center 972-2325 972-3964 245 Development Office 972-3940 972-3069 1990 Diversity 972-3081 972-2036 179 Facilities Management 972-2066 972-3691 250 Central Receiving 972-3254 972-3969 250 Work Order Center 972-2067 972-3819 250 Faculty Center 972-2334 972-3131 2128 Finance and Administration 972-3454 972-3818 2100 Accounts Payable/Disbursing 972-2315 972-3409 2100 ASU Property Management 972-2817 972-3480 2100 Budget Office 972-3700 972-3818 2100 Cashier's Window 972-3847 972-3450 2640 Controller's Office 972-3454 972-3818 2100 Payroll 972-2293 680-8257 1500 Sponsored Programs Accounting 972-2400 972-3418 1260 Travel Services 972-3903 NA 850 Treasurer's Office 972-2285 972-3068 2640 Wellness Program 972-3974 972-3009 1500 Financial Aid and Scholarships 972-2310 972-2794 1620 First Care Medical Facility 932-3339 972-3433 First National Bank Arena 972-3870 972-3825 880 Food Court 972-7247 Greek Life 972-2055 972-3017 1980 Grants 972-2400 Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center 870-598-3487 870-598-1037 Heritage Studies PHD Program 972-3509 972-3207 69 Human Resources 972-3454 972-3337 1500 Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration 972-3081 972-3009 1500 Environmental Health and Safety 972-2862 972-3584 1530 Information and Technology Services 972-3033 972-3839 1140 ITS Helpdesk 972-3933 1140 Communication Services 972-3033 972-2090 1140 Computer Lab - Library 972-2660 Institutional Research and Planning 972-3027 972-3683 790 International Programs 972-2329 972-3288 2230 National Student Exchange 972-3259 972-3884 2230 Intramural Office 972-3109 972-3058 479 Kay’s Foundation 931-7898 129 Lakeport Plantation 870-265-6031 870-265-6043 Large Scale Distance Education Center 972-2920 972-3548 2520 Marketing and Communications Marketing and Public Relations 972-3820 972-3693 2220 Publications and Creative Services 972-3820 972-3693 2220 University Communications 972-3820 972-3693 2220 Web Communications 972-3820 972-3693 2220 Motor Pool 972-4704 680-4766 250 Multicultural Center 972-4052 972-3017 1018 Museum 972-2074 972-2793 490 Mail Center 972-3026 Non-Traditional Office 972-2842 Parking Services 972-2945 972-3980 Pavilion 972-2056 972-3133 479 Post Office 932-7192 Printing Services 972-2072 972-3328 1930 Procurement Services 972-2028 972-3834 1860 Red Wolf Center 972-3800 972-3058 479 Registrar 972-2031 972-3917 1570 Transcripts 972-2919 972-3917 1570 Research and Technology Transfer 972-2694 972-2336 2760 Residence Life 972-2042 972-2561 2774 Arkansas Hall 680-1500 Collegiate Park 680-4469 Collegiate Park Clubhouse 680-6967 Family Housing Coordinator 972-2968 680-1225 Honors House 680-1470 Kay's Hall 680-1478 Northpark Quads 680-1599 Red Wolf Den 680-1451 ROTC/STEM 680-1470 University Hall 680-1550 Residence Life Maintenance 972-2023 Sodexho Food Services 972-2059 972-3797 299 Southern Tenement 870-487-2909 870-487-2910 Student Affairs Technology Service 972-2579 Student Conduct 870-972-2034 870-972-3898 2762 Student Health Center 972-2054 972-2131 1380 Student Religious Organizations Baptist Student Union 932-7241 Catholic Newman Center 972-1888 Wesley Foundation 932-2061 Student Union 972-2056 972-3133 479 Student Government 972-2050 972-3133 1980 Campus Life 972-2034 972-3898 2762 Leadership Center 972-2055 972-3017 1980 Student Conduct Office 972-2834 972-3898 2762 Testing Center 972-2038 972-2009 1210 University Police 972-2093 972-3866 2767 V. A. School Official 972-2478 972-3917 1570 Yearbook 972-2055 972-3133 1980