Welcome to Arkansas State University!
Alicia Shaw
Dr. Alicia Shaw
Interim Chair, Department of Educational Leadership, Curriculum, and Special Education
Assistant Professor of Education
Phone: (870) 972-3062

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 204A

Timberly Baker
Dr. Timberly Baker
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership Doctoral Program
Phone: (870) 972-3937

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 212

Mahauganee Bonds
Dr. Mahauganee Bonds
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership
Doctoral Program
Phone: 870-680-8284

Audrey Bowser
Dr. Audrey Bowser
Associate Dean of Community Outreach & Engagement
Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Phone: (870) 972-2099

Office: Education Building, 213

Dr. Karen Buchanan
Dr. Karen Buchanan
Assistant Professor
Phone: 870-972-3010

Robin Buchanan
Mrs. Robin Buchanan
Online Coordinator
Phone: (870) 680-4116

Office: Education and Leadership Studies Building, 218

Dr. Mary Margaret Cunningham
Dr. Mary Margaret Cunningham
Assistant Professor
Phone: 870-972-3051

Ibrahim Duyar
Dr. Ibrahim Duyar
Professor of Educational Leadership
Phone: 870-972-2651

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 210

Karen Farley
Ms. Karen Farley
Instructor and Program Coordinator of Special Education MAT
Phone: 870-680-4124

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 230

Dr. Eric Gotte
Dr. Eric Gotte
Assistant Professor
Phone: 870-972-3053

Paula Rose Greer
Dr. Paula Rose Greer
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership
Phone: 870-972-2678

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 209

Britney Hall
Britney Hall
Data Assessment Coordinator for Advanced Programs
Phone: (870) 972-3062

Office: Leadership Studies

Judith Jenkins
Dr. Judith Jenkins
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership
Phone: 870-972-2916

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 229

Dr. Jessie King
Dr. Jessie King
Assistant Professor
Phone: 870-680-8053

Bronwyn MacFarlane
Dr. Bronwyn MacFarlane
Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership
Phone: 870-680-8287

Danita Martin
Ms. Danita Martin
Fiscal Support Analyst
Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Special Education
Phone: 870-972-3062

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 204

Jackie McBride
Dr. Jackie McBride
Phone: (870) 972-2452

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 227

Julie Lamb Milligan
Dr. Julie Lamb Milligan
Director of Gifted Education
Professor of Gifted Education
Phone: (870) 972- 3523

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 211

LeeAnne Oros
Dr. LeeAnne Oros
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership
Phone: 870-680-8248

Amany Saleh
Dr. Amany Saleh
Phone: 870-972-2894

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 219

Jacques D. Singleton
Dr. Jacques D. Singleton
Associate Professor of Special Education
Phone: (870) 972-2948

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 213

Topeka Small-Singleton
Dr. Topeka Small-Singleton
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership
Phone: 870-972-3943

William Stripling
William Stripling
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Phone: 870-972-2855

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 218

Robert Williams
Dr. Robert Williams
Assistant Professor of Education
Phone: (870) 972-2949

Office: Education and Leadership Studies, 226

Leslie Wyatt
Dr. Leslie Wyatt
President Emeritus and Tenured Professor of Higher Education
Higer Education Masters Program Advisor
Phone: (870) 972-3062