Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Dr. Lance G. Bryant

Professor, Physical Education Teacher Education


  • Ph.D., The University of Alabama
  • M.S., Mississippi State University
  • B.S., Mississippi State University

Teaching Specialties

  • Adapted Sport Pedagogy
  • Outdoor Pursuits/Adventure Education
  • Secondary Methods in Physical Education
  • Measurement & Evaluation
  • Research Design
  • Swimming

Research Interests

  • Adapted Sport Pedagogy
  • Outdoor Experiential Learning Experiences
  • Applications of Social Media to Teacher Preparation
  • Perceptions and Attitudes related to Physical Education Teacher Education
  • Teacher Socialization


  • Society for Health and Physical Educators
  • SHAPE Research Consortium
  • Arkansas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance

Curriculum Vitae



Selected Presentations:

Kinchin, G. D. & Bryant, L. G. (2015, October). Facilitating communication between PETE faculty and students at one US-based and one UK-based program: The possibilities for telecommunication and social media as a means to promote greater internationalization. Society of Health and Physical Educators America Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Atlanta, GA.

Bryant, L. G. (2014, February). Taking the PLT? What to expect. Southern District Association of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Lexington, KY.

Bryant, L. G. & Finnicum, P. (2013, April). Does video communication aid or hinder intern supervision? American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Charlotte, NC.

Kinchin, G. D. & Bryant, L. G. (2012, October). The affordances of Skype within PETE: An international initiative. National Association for Sport and Physical Education Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, NV.

Nichols, B., Bryant, L. G., & Stillwell, J. L. (2011, April). Students’ perceptions of an elementary physical education practicum experience. 21st European Teacher Education Network Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Selected Publications:

Kinchin, G. D. & Bryant, L. G. (2015). The use of Skype within physical education teacher education: An international collaboration. Physical Education Matters, 10(2), 60-63.

Bryant, L. G. (2014). PETE students’ perceptions of professional preparation. Arkansas Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 49(1), 52-54.

Bryant, L. G., Stillwell, J. L. & Nichols, B. (2013). Future teachers’ perceptions of an elementary physical education practicum experience. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, 8(1), 9-24.

Baghurst, T. & Bryant, L. G. (2012). Do as I say, not as I do: Improving the image of the physical education profession. Strategies, 25(4), 11-13.

Bryant, L. G. & Curtner-Smith, M. D. (2009). Influence of a physical education teacher’s disability on middle school pupils’ learning and perceptions of teacher competence. European Physical Education Review, 15(1), 5-19.

Lance G. Bryant

Contact Information

P: (870) 680-8101
F: (870) 972-3096


Building: HPESS
Room: 229