Welcome to Arkansas State University!

An advanced degree is a smart fiscal and career move that offers graduates an opportunity for personal growth and a greater employment outlook.

Student in class
Students in a research lab
Professor at a chalkboard

Your doctorate tuition at A-State is based on a variety of factors including where you live, how many hours you are enrolled in, and which college houses your selected major. In addition to your tuition costs, students pay fees to support campus facilities, equipment, and programs.

Calculating Your Tuition

To calculate your tuition, multiply the tuition per credit hour rate and the required hourly fees by the number of hours you are taking for a given semester. If you meet any of the required term fee or additional fees criteria, add them to your total number.

Course Fees

Please note that your tuition could vary based on fees associated with specific courses. These course fees can range from $5.00 - $255.00 per course.

Identity Compliance Fee

An Identity Compliance Fee of $10.00 per credit hour will be applied to all online courses excluding High School Concurrent courses or those offered in the Online MBA Program.


A-State grants in-state tuition to students who qualify.

See if you qualify for a waiver >>

For a detailed list of our tuition and fee information, review the tables below.

  • Arkansas State University Doctorate Programs

    Doctorate of Educational Leadership

    U.S. Resident Tuition (per credit hour)
    International Tuition ( per credit hour)
    Required Hourly Fees
    A-State Online Fee

    Doctorate of Environmental Sciences

    In-State Tuition (per credit hour)
    Out-of-State Tuition (per credit hour)
    International Tuition (per credit hour)
    Required Hourly Fees
    Academic Excellence Fee
    Access and Security Fee
    Athletic Fee
    Facilities Fee
    Technology Fee
    Infrastructure Fee
    Library Fee
    Student Recreation Fee
    Student Union Fee
    Deferred Maintenance Fee
    COSM Doctoral Support Fee
    Total Per Credit Hour:
    Required Term Fees
    Student Activity Fee (3 or more hours)
    The student activity is only charged in Fall & Spring terms.

    Doctor of Heritage Studies

    In-State Tuition (per credit hour)
    Out-of-State Tuition ( per credit hour)
    International Tuition (per credit hour)
    Required Hourly Fees
    Academic Excellence Fee
    Access and Security Fee
    Athletic Fee
    Facilities Fee
    Technology Fee
    Infrastructure Fee
    Library Fee
    Student Recreation Fee
    Student Union Fee
    Deferred Maintenance Fee
    Total Per Credit Hour:
    Required Term Fees
    Student Activity Fee (3 or more hours)
    The student activity is only charged in Fall & Spring terms.

    Doctorate of Molecular Biosciences

    In-State Tuition (per credit hour)
    Out-of-State Tuition ( per credit hour)
    International Tuition (per credit hour)
    Required Hourly Fees
    Academic Excellence Fee
    Access and Security Fee
    Athletic Fee
    Facilities Fee
    Technology Fee
    Infrastructure Fee
    Library Fee
    Student Recreation Fee
    Student Union Fee
    Deferred Maintenance Fee
    COSM Doctoral Support Fee
    Total Per Credit Hour:
    Required Term Fees
    Student Activity Fee (3 or more hours)
    The student activity is only charged in Fall & Spring terms.

    Doctorate of Nursing Practice

    US Resident Tuition (per credit hour)
    International Tuition (per credit hour)
    Required Hourly Fees
    A-State Online Fee

    Doctor of Physical Therapy

    In-State Tuition (per credit hour)
    Out-of-State Tuition ( per credit hour)
    International Tuition (per credit hour)
    Required Hourly Fees
    Academic Excellence Fee
    Access and Security Fee
    Athletic Fee
    Facilities Fee
    Technology Fee
    Infrastructure Fee
    Library Fee
    Student Recreation Fee
    Student Union Fee
    Deferred Maintenance Fee
    CNHP Doctoral Support Fee
    Total Per Credit Hour:
    Required Term Fees
    Student Activity Fee (3 or more hours)
    The student activity is only charged in Fall & Spring terms.
    Estimated Additional Expenses
    Pre-Admissions Background Check
    A-State Application Fee
    Graduation Fee: Doctoral
    Licensure Exam
    PEAT/Scorebuilders Exams
    Exam Soft
    Liability Insurance
    Background Check
    Physical Exam / TB
    APTA Dues / PTSA
    Tool Kit
    Books (total for all three years)
    Lab Coat & Goggles
    * U.S. Residents with a G.P.A. of at least 3.0 may qualify to receive in-state tuition rates
    Total Expenses
    Total Estimated Program Expenses
    * The total estimated program expense is based on in-state tuition rates. Living expenses while on clinical education are not included in the program expenses.
    * Medical and liability insurance are required throughout the entirety of the program. The cost is variable depending on the provider the student chooses.

    Doctor of Occupational Therapy

    In-State Tuition (per credit hour)
    Out-of-State Tuition ( per credit hour)
    International Tuition (per credit hour)
    Required Hourly Fees
    Academic Excellence Fee
    Access and Security Fee
    Athletic Fee
    Facilities Fee
    Technology Fee
    Infrastructure Fee
    Library Fee
    Student Recreation Fee
    Student Union Fee
    Deferred Maintenance Fee
    CNHP Doctoral Support Fee
    Total Per Credit Hour:
    Required Term Fees
    Student Activity Fee (3 or more hours)
    The student activity is only charged in Fall & Spring terms.
    Estimated Additional Expenses
    Application Fee to Graduate Program
    Background Check
    NBCOT Exam Prep Seminar by TherapyEd
    NBCOT Exam
    Fieldwork shirts and name tag
    AOTA Student Membership (Annual)
    AROTA Student Membership (Annual)
    Liability Insurance (Annual)
    BLS Course (Annual)
    CPR (Annual)
    Physical Exam/TB Skin Test (Annual)
    TB Mask Fitting (Annual)
    Graduation Fee: Doctoral
    Lab Supplies
    12 inch clear plastic goniometer
    $7 - 10
    6 inch clear plastic goniometer
     $5 - 7
    Cotton gait belt with clasp
    $8 - 10
    60 inch retractable pocket tape measure
    $6 - 10
    MMR (Must submit with graduate program application.  Student should already have these vaccinations.  Available at the Craighead County Health Department.)
    Call health dept. for $
    TDAP (Needed every 10 years.  May or may not be an expense depending on when student received last vaccination.  Available at the Craighead County Health Department.)
    Call health dept. for $
    Hepatitis B [3 dose series] (Must have prior to entering program.  May not be an expense if student has already had the series.  Available at the Craighead County Health Department.)
    Call health dept. for $
    Total Expenses
    Total Estimated Program Expenses
    Total Tuition and Required Fees
    * U.S. Residents with a G.P.A. of at least 3.0 may receive in-state tuition rates. The total estimated program expense is based on in-state tuition rates. Living expenses while on clinical education are not included in the program expenses.

    Additional Fees

    Application Fee
    Clemency Fee
    Graduation Fee: Doctoral
    Replacement Diploma Fee
    The fees listed above are only assessed if applicable.