Welcome to Arkansas State University!

  • How Do I Apply?

    First, check our admissions requirements here.

    Admissions into an Early College Program begins with the application. Please locate the application here.

  • How Do I Activate My Student Account?

    A student must activate their student account to access the my.AState portal. A video detailing the how to activate your student account can be found here.

  • What Is The Course Tool?

    The course tool is a resource for our Early College Program students. Once you select your high school and term, available courses for enrollment will populate. The course tool provides necessary information to registration for a course. A video on how to use the course tool can be found here.

    Please locate the Course Tool here.

  • How Do I Register For A Course?

    To begin the process of registering for an Early College Programs course, discuss the courses you are interested in with your school counselor or our department directly through the email cep@astate.edu. We will enroll you through our office.

  • Can A Student Drop A Concurrent Course?

    Yes. However, please discuss this option first with your high school counselor.

  • How Much Does A Course Cost?

    The current course tuition rate for students 9th-12th grade is $40 per a credit hour ($120 for a 3-credit hour course).

  • How Do I Pay My Concurrent Tuition?

    Please utilize myBill to complete payment for outstanding tuition.

  • Can I Use Financial Aid?

    No, Financial Aid is not available for Early College Program students.

    However, Arkansas students are eligible to have their courses covered by ACT 1118 and 456. To determine if the courses you are taking are covered by these ACTs please view the course list.

  • Can an Early College Student Use A-State's Student Services?

    Yes. All students taking concurrent classes have access to A-State services. This includes: library, tutoring center, learning services, access and accommodation services and pack support.