Welcome to Arkansas State University!

The Education Renewal Zone, created by legislation in 2005, is a broad-based P-20 Initiative assigned the task of concentrating and coordinating available resources to improve school performance and student achievement. The ERZ, serving as a bridge between P-12 schools and Higher Education, strives to positively impact both present and future educators. Currently, there are six ERZ Offices in Arkansas located at four-year universities with teacher education programs (Arkansas State University, Henderson State University, Southern Arkansas University, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, University of Arkansas at Fort Smith, and University of Arkansas at Monticello). However, these six ERZs provide statewide support for all public schools, education cooperatives, and higher education institutions in Arkansas.

Since April 2020, the directors have met weekly to develop ongoing support and resources for all state initiatives, which include the High Reliability School model and processes, the Professional Learning Communities at Work model and processes, Highly Effective Schools accreditation, High Reliability Teachers certification, and other school improvement strategies.  


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The Office of Education Renewal Zones will be offering ongoing professional development workshops to support Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at Work, High Reliability Schools, Highly Effective Schools, and school improvement.  All workshops for Professional Learning Communities @ Work: Three Big Ideas that Drive the Work of a PLC can be found on the link below:

Connecting the Work

You can also find a link to each of our workshops via this Google Calendar. 


The Education Renewal Zone (ERZ) is a broad-based P-20 initiative assigned the task of concentrating and coordinating available resources to improve school performance and student achievement. Working in partnership with a College of Education, the primary focus is to build the capacity of schools in providing a competent organizational structure, a quality-learning environment, and effective research-based instruction for all students.

The Arkansas State University ERZ has been able to serve its K-12 partner schools by providing an opportunity for collaboration among institutions of higher education, education service cooperatives, public schools, local businesses, parents, and community members all focused on school improvement and systemic educational reform.

2023-2024 ERZ Performance Objectives and Goals

*Organize statewide training and provide support for P-12 schools to incorporate evidence-based research of Professional Learning Communities at Work.

*Support education preparation programs, so that college graduates are fully prepared to be a contributing team member in an effective Professional Learning Community.

*Organize statewide training and provide support to Institutions of Higher Education incorporating the evidence-based research of Professional Learning Communities at Work.

*Provide support through personal contact and statewide training for all 19 Institutions of Higher Education that have approved education preparatory pathways.

*Continue to recruit, support, and retain teachers for the Marzano High Reliability Teacher Program.

*Provide support for P-12 teachers and Institutions of Higher Education faculty to increase their capacity by incorporating evidence-based practices of High Reliability Teachers into teaching and learning.

*Support the continuous improvement of teachers across the state through the High Reliability Teacher certification program.

*Build capacity by supporting teachers who have successfully completed HRT Courses to serve as “peer coaches” to provide strategies, tips, and encouragement to peers currently working to complete each HRT Course.

*Utilize shared knowledge to build capacity and a sustainable approach to increasing the number of schools incorporating evidence-based practices and becoming accredited in the Highly Effective Schools Accreditation Program by at least 17 schools in the 2022-2023 school year.

*Provide support for P-12 schools as they go through the HESA process by incorporating the evidence-based research of Professional Learning Communities and High Reliability Schools.

*Support the continuous improvement of schools to be accredited as Highly Effective Schools (HES) across the state.

*Assist with impact on lost learning and enhance learning experiences for K-8 students in Literacy and Math.

*Monitor and track data to best support active tutors and K-8 student needs in Literacy and Math across the State of Arkansas.