Welcome to Arkansas State University!
  1. How much does an appointment cost? Online Math Center services are free.
  2. Who can use the Online Math Center? Any A-State online student can utilize the OMC.
  3. Can I request a particular math coach? Yes. When you make an appointment, you have the option of choosing a particular math tutor, depending on your preferred time. 
  4. Who will have access to the material I submit to the Online Math Center? Only your OMC tutors will have access to your material.
  5. What types of tutoring do you offer? We offer face-to-face Zoom appointments. 
  6. What should I submit to the Google Folder? Please submit any documents that will help your tutor better understand the assignment: assignment, syllabus, and notes you have worked on along with your paper.
  7. Who should I contact if I have questions about the Online Math Center? If you have any questions, contact Stephanie Stanley at sdekok@astate.edu.