Welcome to Arkansas State University!
Rock Wall
A-State Bell
Rock Wall - Howl
Color Holds
Rock Wall - Bre

Campus Recreation is excited to announce the arrival of a brand new, state of the art climbing wall in the lobby of the Red W.O.L.F. Center.  At 31 feet high with 600 square feet of climbing space, this new wall is the highlight of the facility.  New and experienced climbers will find climbing routes available that are both challenging and fun.  Campus Recreation has all the gear you will need as well as trained staff to assist you while climbing.  Keep reading to learn more about the wall and climbing with Campus Recreation. 

Climbing Wall Information

- The Climbing Wall will be available during specific posted hours only.  These hours will be posted here, on the Red W.O.L.F. Center Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as within the Red W.O.L.F. Center and at the Climbing Wall.

- Those wishing to use the climbing wall will need to check in at the Front Desk first.  Front Desk staff will assist you with signing a waiver and checking out the equipment that you will need.  Please remember to bring your AState ID.  Only individuals with a valid Arkansas State University student I.D., Red W.O.L.F. Center membership, or a valid guest pass may use the Climbing Wall.

- At this time, all climbers, regardless of ability, will be belayed by trained Campus Recreation staff.  This may change in the future - be on the look out for belay skills training courses. 

- All climbing equipment, including harnesses and climbing shoes, are available for check-out at the front desk at no additional cost. All equipment is for use on the Red W.O.L.F. Center Climbing Wall only. Personal harnesses/equipment will not be able to be used at this time.

Climbing Wall Rules

  1. All Red WOLF Center, Campus Recreation, and Arkansas State University rules and policies are also applicable to the climbing wall.
  2. The Campus Recreation reserves the right to deny participation or ask patrons to leave the facility at any time for unsafe or inappropriate behavior, including failure to follow these rules.  Suspension from climbing, building, and/or Campus Recreation programs may occur.
  3. Participants using the climbing wall are climbing at their own risk.
  4. Climbing Wall patrons must sign a release waiver each year before utilizing Climbing Wall.
  5. Climbing Wall is only to be used when Climbing Wall Staff is present during posted hours.
  6. All participants are expected to follow all directions by Campus Recreation staff.
  7. Instruction is to be given by the Climbing Wall Staff only. Instruction is for indoor climbing use only and should not be substituted for outdoor climbing instruction.
  8. Participants must use proper safety equipment per the manufactures instructions when utilizing the climbing wall: Harnesses, shoes, ropes, carabineers, and belay devices are available for use at the wall.
  9. Only climbing wall staff and individuals who have passed the belay skills clinic within the last academic year are able to belay participants. 
  10. Participants must check the climber’s knot, harness and belay system prior to each climb. Figure-eight follow-through is the only tie-in knot allowed.
  11. Climbers are not allowed to climb above the top anchors.
  12. When bouldering, participant's hands cannot exceed the first row of lead climbing anchors.
  13. Do not pass under or over other climbers when bouldering or climbing.
  14. Swinging, climbing, and jumping on ropes is prohibited.
  15. Loose chalk is not permitted on the wall; participants may have chalk balls in a chalk bag.
  16. Do not climbing on red bracing, stairwell, brick wall, and other non-Climbing Wall areas.
  17. Grabbing lead climbing anchors during climbing is prohibited.  Lead climbing anchors are for carabiner attachment during lead climbing only.
  18. When waiting to climb, remain near the benches or outside the wall area if crowded.
  19. No sharing checked out climbing equipment is allowed.
  20. Use lockers available inside the Red WOLF Center to store all personal items.  Climber’s pockets must be empty while climbing. No storage of personal items is available in the climbing wall area.  Campus Recreation staff is not responsible for personal property.
  21. Appropriate attire is required: closed toe shoes (no sandals, bare feet or socks), shorts/pants, shirt covering the midriff during climbing, and limited jewelry.
  22. No cell phone, PDA, MP3 player, or headphones may be used while climbing or belaying.