Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Risk Management


The Office of Risk Management provides guidance and support to university departments by reviewing business activities and components of on-going programs for purposes of identifying and assessing risks, assisting with the development of risk mitigation plans and monitoring the effectiveness of plans to minimize losses and increase the likelihood of positive business outcomes.

Direct risk management functions of the office include responsibility for the university's property insurance, assessment and purchase of certain ancillary insurance policies, and third-party contract liability and insurance review.

Vehicle Safety Program

A-State participates in the State of Arkansas Vehicle Safety Program and all who drive on university business must be appropriately vetted prior to driving (see University Procedure and VSP forms below). Also, ALL accidents and traffic violations that occur while operating a University vehicle or driving on University business in ANY vehicle, must be reported to the Motor Pool at 870-680-4852.

University Procedure
Vehicle Safety Form

Sovereign Immunity

Sovereign Immunity Statement

Camps and Clinics

Camps and Clinics
Minors on Campus

Arkansas State University has programs and events that bring minors to campus and their safety is of the utmost importance. Whether sponsored by the university or by third-parties, these activities create opportunities to connect with our potential, future students, and are a privilege that involves unique responsibilities and challenges. The document found here can help plan for the safety and care of minors on campus.

Managing the Risk of Minors On Campus

Third-Party Insurance Guidelines

Short-Term Lease/Special Event/Commercial Lease of Premises

Vendor Agreements

Contracts for Consulting/Professional Services and Construction/Renovation have special insurance requirements.

  - For Consulting/Professional Services contracts insurance requirements contact Contract Administration and Strategic Sourcing.

  - For Construction/Renovation contracts insurance requirements contact Facilities Management.