Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Definition of Clear Space

Clear space is defined as the space that no other element explicit or implicit shall cross in relation to the University Logo. Often referred to as ‘runaround,’ type, image and/or document edge should not be placed closer than the x-height surrounding university marks. The clear space requirements must be observed.

University Logo Describing the amount of clear space required around the logo

University Logo Horizontal showing clear space

Placing the University Logo in a box

It is permissible to use the University Logo in a box/banner provided the clear space has been observed. However, some usages are inappropriate and should be practiced sparingly. It is best to contact University Marketing if this usage is being considered.

University Logo shown inside boxes

Minimum Size Requirements

The STATE Logo should never appear smaller than 3/8” (.375”) high and thus the proportions of the University Logo (and its components) must be preserved.

University logo showing minimum size

There may be some cases that require special sizes or clear space allowances. Examples of these unique applications include, but are not limited to, pencils, CD spines, lapel pins, etc.