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Travel Assistance Award

Speaker at conference

Arkansas State University graduate students are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the Graduate School in order to travel and present their research/scholarly work at a meeting or conference. The Graduate School will cover one-half of the total reimbursable travel expenses (as determined by the ASU travel office) up to a maximum of $400 of Graduate School assistance.

The Graduate School has funding to make nine Travel Assistance Awards for presentations during Fall (July 1 - December 31), nine awards for presentations during Spring (Jan. 1 - June 30). During each of these two calendar cycles, to be sure to distribute our funds among the colleges, we will limit the awards to students in any particular college to no more than four in any six month funding period. This is to help ensure funds are used to support students from across the many graduate programs we have.

Awards will be made based on date completed applications (including copy of official notification of acceptance of presentation) are received in the graduate school. Since we regularly have more applications than we have funds to award, we encourage applications to be made as soon as possible.

When an award is made, the student's home department will be notified. The student will be reimbursed through a Travel Reimbursement (TR-1) filed through the home department. Upon receipt of the filed TR-1 from the home department, the Graduate School will transfer its share of the reimbursement amount to the home department.

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