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"What do you think is the most important thing you gained from the summer institute and why?"

More confidence as a writing teacher - making it a priority in my classroom. I'd lost sight of how important writing is; this reminded me that I love it so much, and that I must do a better job teaching it!
That I'm a writer who teaches, rather than a teacher who writes.
Encouragement and confidence.  I am a first year teacher and this institute has helped me feel more confident in my teaching.  I am not as scared or nervous as I was prior to the institute.
I think learning the value of reading and studying professional literature is the most important. Before coming to ADWP, I had never read research on teaching outside of what was given to me at professional developments. I have now jumped in the driver's seat of my own learning and will continue to pursue professional and personal development on my own.
The most important thing I have gathered from the institute is the friendships and the ability to write freely. I have really enjoyed building great teacher friendships.
Mostly, I have tons of notes on teaching strategies, from whole lessons to simple techniques or journal entry ideas.
Confidence, understanding of teaching practices, and more best practices for teaching writing
I can't possible boil this down to "one" thing. Honestly, just exploring the power of writing personally has completely transformed my teacher identity and how my classroom will operate in future. For the first time in two years of teaching I feel comfortable in my "teaching skin." What we've learned here is exactly the type of learning I've always wanted to facilitate for my students but never known how. I cannot speak highly enough of this experience. It has changed me personally and professionally. I can't wait to get back to my classroom in August.
The most important thing I gained from the Summer Institute is encouragement and feedback. I better understand that students' writing needs to be validated and I feel like I have a better grasp of things to meet their needs. I have also found new ways to teach my students the importance of writing so that it is meaningful to them.
I gained confidence as a writer and I believe I can pass this on to students and encourage them as writers.
Owning my PD; writing's power; fellowship; art is important to my ever-lovin' soul; experience in presenting to other teachers; thinking deeply about planning process; thinking deeply about grammar; thinking deeply about the writing process.
I became a better writer myself which in return will make my students better writers. I wrote several times a day - stemming from quickwrites and journal entries, used mentor texts as my model, revised with peers, edited using new strategies, and published my work in the anthology. This is exactly how I want my class to run. Excellent!
To continue to research and teach myself new methods of teaching. Be a constant learner and improver in this serious profession of mine!
The philosophical reminder that we as teachers are a professional community that need to strive to advocate for our own development and to continue to better our practice to become examples of excellence and resources in our own district.