Welcome to Arkansas State University!

ASU Reading Tutoring Program

Area Principals:

We have a free tutoring program you may be interested in.  It’s a reading tutoring program. 

We have an opportunity to provide student tutoring in Reading for your elementary and middle level students at your school. We have a group of about 10 Masters level students that, as a course requirement, must provide a service learning project in reading as a requirement of the degree. You can read more about this in Professor Song’s description below.

Please let me know if you would like to participate in this program for at least a 6 week period this fall semester.  If you indicate an interest, we will ask you to provide more information in order to allow us to match a student to your school and a mutually acceptable schedule for delivery during the school day or extended school day in some cases.

I am very hopeful that we can place at least one student, possibly more, at your school.

Professor Song’s Description of the Program:

ASU Tutoring Program

Inquiry Based Learning

This tutoring program is based on inquiry based learning in which students explore ideas that they would like to pursue. It is a student-centered and interest-driven approach. A student (or a group of 3-4 students) can choose a topic about which she/he chooses to learn. With the help of a tutor, the student(s) will develop research questions, gather information using various resources, and synthesize findings in composing.  The tutor model reading, note taking, and information search strategies throughout the project in order to facilitate student learning. Writing related strategies (e.g., ways to organize and synthesize information) will be addressed and discussed as they work on the final piece of composing. For this semester, my students need to complete at least 6 tutoring sessions. I hope that we can start late September so that we can finish before Thanksgiving week.

Tutors are graduate students at Arkansas State University in Masters of Arts in Teaching program. They are seeking teacher certifications at the middle level (3rd -8th grades). Tutors’ subject areas are varied from mathematics to ESL. 

Again, please let me know if you would like to participate in the ASU Reading Tutoring Program.