Welcome to Arkansas State University!


Minor (small scalds, burns from hot objects)

  • Flush the burned area with cool water from a tap or use cool wet compresses applied to the skin.
  • Cleanse the burned area. Apply burn cream from the first aid kit.
  • If blistering occurs – recommend that student seek treatment at Wilson Student Health Center (WSHC) or with personal physician.

Chemical Burn

  • Start treatment immediately by placing the burned area under cool running water and continue flushing for at least 15 minutes.
  • If the chemical has splashed into the eye, irrigate the injured eye with cool water. Make sure the eye is open and the head is positioned so the water will not run into the other eye. Irrigate for at least 15 minutes, and then cover the eye with a sterile compress. Recommend the individual seek emergency medical treatment. UPD will transport student to medical treatment facility.
Staff should pull Safety Data Sheet and send with student to medical treatment facility.

Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruises

  • Clean area with a Betadine wipe, which can be found in the first aid kit. Cover with a light protective adhesive bandage.
  • Treat bruises that involve bleeding into the tissue beneath the outer layer of skin with cold packs to reduce swelling.
  • For deeper cuts that go through the skin, control bleeding with direct pressure and elevation. If bleeding persists or recurs, recommend the student seek medical treatment at the Wilson Student Health Center or with personal physician.


  • Check to make sure the individual is breathing.
  • Lay the person on his/her back; raise the legs higher than the head to promote the flow of blood to the heart and brain.
  • When person revives, color returns to the face, suggest lying or sitting for a few minutes before attempting to stand.
  • Recommend the student seek medical treatment at the Wilson Student Health Center or with personal physician.


  • Have the person sit down with head angled slightly forward so the blood doesn’t run back into the throat.
  • If the blood comes from only one nostril, press the fleshy part of the nostril firmly toward the midline; if from both, pinch the nostrils together. Maintain pressure for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • If the bleeding is profuse or cannot be controlled within 30 minutes, or if nosebleeds occur frequently, advise the student they should seek medical treatment at Wilson Student Health Center or with personal physician.


  • Start with RICE – Rest, Ice, Compressions and Elevation. Do not let the individual use the injured body part.
  • Apply an ice pack and mild compression with an elastic bandage to the injured body part for several hours to keep swelling down.
  • Keep the sprain elevated, using pillows.
  • If there is discoloration or deformity, advise the student they may wish to seek medical treatment from Wilson Student Health Center or with personal physician.

Eye Injuries


  • DO NOT rub or apply pressure or ice to the injured eye.
  • Cover eye with patch and recommend student seek medical treatment from Wilson Student Health Center or with personal physician.
  • If the injury is a black eye, you may apply ice to cheek and area around eye, but not directly on the eyeball itself.


  • If an object is impaled in the eye, CALL 9-911, DO NOT remove the object.
  • Cover both eyes with sterile dressings to immobilize have student transported to medical treatment facility of their choice.
  • DO NOT rub or apply pressure or ice to the injured eye.