Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Musicians should take care in their daily activities to protect themselves and preserve their health. The A-State Department of Music advises all musicians to exercise caution, consult with your teacher if you have questions, and most certainly consult your physician for any health issues. Your career could be at stake if problems persist and are not addressed appropriately.

Please take some time to read the following draft publication from the National Association of Schools of Music regarding musician health. This is specially written to address student questions and concerns.

Musician Health from the National Association of Schools of Music.

Vocalists should understand the anatomy of the voice and avoid using the voice in ways that could endanger their health. Mr. Matthew Carey, Assistant Professor of Voice, is a Speech Pathologist and should be able to help you with any concerns. Vocalists should also consult:

Protecting Your Vocal Health

How to Prevent and Repair Vocal Damage

Faculty should be familiar with and consult the following document from NASM:

Basic Information on Neuromusculoskeletal and Vocal Health for Faculty and Staff

Slides from Mr. Carey's presentation:

Neuromusculoskeletal and Vocal Health

Information regarding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss:

Decibels & Hearing Loss