Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Who: Hiring the Consultant

Hiring the program consultants is an important step in the program review process. These individuals will provide critical advice regarding the program’s strategic goals and continuous improvement plans. The consultant selection will be a collaborative process between the program faculty, department chair, dean, Office of Accreditation and Assessment, and Office of Academic Affairs. Furthermore, Arkansas Code §6-61-214 requires that institutions select a minimum of two out-of-state reviewers affiliated with programs that are similar in mission and scope to the program under review. The lead consultant will conduct the site visit and the second consultant will serve as a self-study reader. The second consultant may participate in the key site visit meetings via electronic meeting technology if desired by all parties.

The steering committee must recommend four consultants 150 days prior to anticipated site visit to the Office of Accreditation and Assessment . Consultants should be recommended based on their academic credentials and higher education experience. A mix of peer and aspirant institutions and faculty and administrators is highly desired.  

Additionally, the lead consultant should meet with a variety of groups while on campus including but not limited to the dean, associate dean, department chair, faculty (without administration), students, external constituents (i.e. advisory council, alumni, employers, etc.) and the Office of Academic Affairs (specifically the provost and AVC responsible for program review).