General Diversity Recruitment Resources
Academic 360: A collection of internet resources that have been gathered for the academic job hunger. is a premier meta-links site for job postings in higher education. It has been published since May 1995 and has won awards and has received excellent reviews.
How to advertise on site:
In addition to the high-profile listing, you also get a 100-word description which you can use to highlight the most attractive qualities of your institution. This description will appear directly below the school name and link and gives job seekers an extra incentive to visit your website.
$199 for six months or $299 for one year. For more information or to purchase a Premium Listing, contact us by email, or call 814-861-3080.
Academic Careers: An academic careers job site.
The ultimate global academic job site for teaching jobs, education jobs, research jobs, and professional jobs in education and academia. Academic Careers Online includes faculty, teacher, research, post doc, adjunct, library, administrative and senior management positions at (community) colleges, universities, research institutes, and schools around the world. The DIVERSITY PACKAGE is currently automatically included with each job posting. The DIVERSITY PACKAGE also includes: Diversity/Affirmative Action Applicant E-mail notifications and cross-postings on partner websites
How to advertise on site:
We have a "special offer" whereby a job listing is actively posted for up to three full months or the application deadline in your advertisement, whichever comes first, for only US$ 195.
Academic Diversity Search Inc: A diversity recruiting resource and job posting for faculty and administrative positions at universities with women and minorities as the target pool.
Academic Keys: A tool posting faculty and academic jobs in selected disciplines at universities, colleges, or other institutions that reaches diverse candidates with an exclusive database of close to one million names.
American Association of University Women:
Since its first meeting in 1881, AAUW has been a catalyst for change. Today, with more than 100,000 members, 1,300 branches, and 500 college and university partners, AAUW contributes to a more promising future and provides a powerful voice for women and girls - a voice that cannot and will not be ignored. AAUW’s publications put timely and relevant information at your fingertips - information that centers on our core mission: advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.
How to advertise on site:
Job postings run at $3 per word. Ads are placed in 1-2 business days from payment and remain on our website for 90 days.
Arkansas Business: Online website with daily news from across the state.
The Chronicle of Higher Education: Weekly newspaper and website that presents news, information, and jobs for universities. (Online and Newspaper Job Listing-All Job Types)
Crittenden Publishing: Online/Newspaper
Diverse Issues in Higher Education: A powerful magazine addressing diverse issues in higher education. (Online and Magazine Job Listings-All Job Types)
As America continues through the new millennium, the role of educating the ever-increasing number of people of color and other under-represented minority groups has taken on unprecedented urgency, and the stakes will become even more consequential in the coming months and years. The quality of life for all Americans has now become inextricably linked to a citizenry that possesses a college degree. Indeed, the college degree has replaced the high school diploma as the vehicle for sustained participation in the middle class and beyond. The key to the achievement of this goal is knowledge and information about higher education. And when it comes to providing the information that underpins this, Diverse Issues in Higher Education has been at the forefront for the past twenty years. Leaders from academe, industry and public policy have all come to rely on this award-winning news magazine to stay abreast of the trends and issues that go to the very core of the future of this country and its place in an ever-changing world. That a well-educated and skilled work force will evolve unaided cannot be taken for granted. Those who have kept up with the rapidly unfolding demographic shifts know all too well active participation; strategic planning and working alliances are needed to ensure that African Americans and other minority groups will succeed.
Since its founding in 1984, Black Issues In Higher Education (which is now Diverse) has been America's premier news source for information concerning knowledge and information about higher education. That the magazine received the 2002 Folio award as the best education publication in America only attests to how well we have carried out our mission of being the most reliable source for those who understand the importance of these issues. Circulation method - DIVERSE circulation is 40,000 and the cost of subscription is $40.00 per year (26 issues). DIVERSE is published every two weeks throughout the calendar year.
How to advertise on site:
Free web posting
Diversity Careers in Engineering & Information Tech: A diversity careers magazine featuring news, upcoming career events, and job openings for women and minorities involved in engineering, technology. (Online and Magazine Job Listing-All Job Types)
Diversity Inc: A monthly magazine and website with news and information about the role of diversity in strengthening the corporate bottom line. (Online Job Board)
Diverse Jobs: National resource for careers in academia as part of Issues in Higher Education. Online and Print Job Listing-All Job Types)diversity recruitment with a portfolio of seven national career magazines, a website, online job board. Updated daily, a listing of faculty and administrative positions at colleges and universities. (Online)
IMDiversity: Career site dedicated to providing jobs for underrepresented minorities and women, and other diverse job seekers looking for employment opportunities.
Inside Higher Ed: Website of news, surveys, and webinars with a job board. (Online)
Minority Faculty Applicant Database:
--Searchable database of thousands of qualified candidates.
--96% of registrants have, or they are currently completing, masters and doctoral degrees.
--Academic positions are distributed to over 1,320 minority organizations and 11,000 current faculty, staff and administrators.
--Exclusive connections with Placement Directors from 355 Minority-Serving Institutions.
How to advertise on site:
Special Pricing: $600 – annual membership/unlimited postings.
*UAH is a member
Minority Professional Network:
Since 1998, Minority Professional Network (MPN) has been a leading global Career, Economic, Lifestyle & Networking resource connection. Our web sites have attracted millions of progressive multicultural candidates, users and subscribers from across the U.S. and 50 other countries.
How to advertise on site:
Minority and Women Doctoral Directory:
MWDD is a registry which maintains up-to-date information on employment candidates who have recently received, or are soon to receive, a Doctoral or Master's degree in their respective field from one of approximately two hundred major research universities in the United States. The current edition of the Directory lists approximately 4,500 Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Asian American, and women students in nearly 80 fields in the sciences, engineering, the social sciences and the humanities.
INSIGHT into Diversity: A magazine and website that provides the latest news on diversity and educates people about the many obstacles to equal opportunity in education, government, business, and culture. (Online and Magazine Job Listings-All Job Types)
The National Employment Minority Network Inc (NEMNET): A national resource committed to helping schools and organizations address issues of staff diversity and providing employment and professional development.
The PhD Project's mission is to increase the diversity of corporate America by increasing the diversity of business school faculty. We attract African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Native Americans to business Ph.D. programs, and provide a network of peer support on their journey to becoming professors. As faculty, they serve as role models attracting and mentoring minority students while improving the preparation of all students for our diverse workplace and society.
Star Herald – Cabot: Newspaper/Web
University Jobs: An online database for faculty and staff positions as well as postdoctoral and science jobs. (Online)
Women in Higher Education is a monthly practitioner’s news journal, designed to help smart women on campus get wise about how gender affects their being successful in the male-dominated world of higher education. Its goals are to enlighten, encourage, empower and engage women on campus. We seek to increase the number of women in campus leadership jobs and provide a continuing source of education and passion on relevant gendered issues to leaders, including males. Articles are focused toward administrators and faculty, but recognize that we all exist to serve students, the growing majority of whom are women.
How to advertise on site:
For $225, your ad will be branded with your logo to highlight your school or for $210 your ad will be placed without your logo. was created to give employers a tool to promote diversity and inclusion within their workplaces and to provide job seekers with easy access to those companies. Presently, over 8,164 companies and organizations link to†, providing employers with exclusive access to highly qualified candidates. Each job posted on WomensJobList appears on the leading women websites for women as ranked by Forbes Magazine top 100. Leveraging this network makes your job posting visible to thousands of active and passive candidates.
How to advertise on site:
Wynne Progress: Newspaper in Wynne, Arkansas
Veteran and Disabled Recruitment Resources One of the largest veteran job boards in the world.
VetJobs: A searchable database for former service members seeking work. It aids employers in reaching highly qualified personnel with unique experiences. A job board dedicated to helping US military veterans find civilian jobs. A web-based community where job seekers with disabilities, inclusive employers and service providers meet and gain access to valuable networking opportunities. AbilityLinks has a strong focus on Illinois. One of the largest resume banks with tens of thousands of job seekers with disabilities, from entry level candidates to PhD's.
Over the Rainbow Association: An Illinois not-for-profit association dedicated to providing independent living solutions and employment opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities. (Online Job Listings and Employment Partnerships-All Job Types)
African American Recruitment Resources
The Black Collegian: The companion site of The Black Collegian Magazine, featuring free career development advice, industry profiles, job search and resume tools. (Online and Magazine Job Listings-All Job Types)
The Diversity Registry is your quick and easy reference to those employers who are actively recruiting college students for entry-level jobs. More importantly, it identifies those employers who are actively recruiting minorities because they are committed to recruiting a diverse workforce. Launched in 1970, THE BLACK COLLEGIAN is a career and self-development magazine targeted to African-American students and other students of color seeking information on careers, job opportunities, graduate/professional school, internships/co-ops, study abroad programs, etc. Circulation is over 121,000 copies to over 800 campuses. Print advertisements are available – 12 issues per year.
The Black EOE: Provides information to African Americans about employment opportunities, career training programs, and higher education scholarships. (Online and Journal Job Listings-All Job Types)
Chicago Defender: A Chicago based African American weekly newspaper, with more than two-thirds of its readership located outside of Chicago. (Online and Newspaper Job Listings-All Job Types)
HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) Connect: An online destination for HBCU students, faculty, and alumni to connect, interact, and discuss the black college experience.
NAACP Job Finder: Connects members with companies searching for professional and qualified employees.
National Black Graduate Student Association (NBGSA): Recognized as the primary student organization addressing the needs of Black graduate students. NBGSA offers leadership training, professional development, mentoring opportunities, career placement services and more.
Asian Recruitment Resources
Asian Pages: Biweekly newspaper serving the Asian community in seven Midwest states (Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and Wisconsin). (Online and Newspaper Job Listings-All Job Types)
National Association of Asian American Professionals: One of the largest and fastest growing Asian American professional organizations in the U.S. and Canada.
Organization of Chinese Americans: An organization embracing the hopes and aspirations of Asian Pacific Americans.
The Filipino American Network of Chicago: A social and networking hub that brings together young Filipino American adults to encourage and nurture their culture.
Hispanic and Latino Recruitment Resources
Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE): A resource for Latinos in the workplace and a source for expertise and insight for corporations seeking to access this growing community of professionals.
Hispanic Jobs: A job board geared toward bilingual jobs for English/Spanish-speaking professionals.
Hispanic Network Magazine: A Latino lifestyle, business and employment magazine. (Online and Magazine Job Listings-All Job Types)
Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education: Information news source and the sole Hispanic educational magazine for the higher education community and those involved in running institutions of higher learning. (Online and Magazine Job Listings-All Job Types)
Hispanic Outlook (H/O) is the sole Hispanic journal on today’s college campus which reaches a broad cultural audience of educators, administrators, students, student service and community-based organizations and corporations. For 18 years, The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine® has been a top information news source and the sole Hispanic educational magazine for the higher education community and those involved in running our institutions of higher learning. Published biweekly, or 25 times per year, H/O covers events, news, and ongoing trends that affect our multicultural institutions of the 21st century. H/O reaches a large minority print audience with an average pass along of nearly 50,000 readers. Each issue brings forth the significance of communication in academic circles, the importance of the positive learning experience, role models and the contribution of both Hispanic and non-Hispanic writers with constructive observations on policies and procedures in academia.
How to advertise on site:
$195 for 4 weeks A job and career site specializing in providing online corporate recruitment of bilingual professional talent in the Hispanic community. is the first Latino professional employment web site designed specifically for the higher education community. It was launched in response to a growing concern about the need to promote career opportunities in higher education for the growing Latino population. This site helps employers connect with the largest pool of Latino professionals in higher education in the United States, Puerto Rico and internationally by disseminating employment opportunities to registered candidates and a national network of Latino-based organizations and list serves. is a Latino-owned and operated web site managed by professionals with over 20 years of higher education experience. The staff of will continue to expand its strategic partnerships with local, regional, and national Latino based organizations. It also promotes events, conferences, and information that specifically impact the Latino higher education community. The circulation method is online only.
How to advertise on site:
Job pack 1: $175 for 90 days
Latino Perspectives in Higher Education: A monthly magazine of the American Latino covering Latino business, politics, community, culture, arts and education. (Online and Magazine Job Listings-All Job Types)
National Latino Education Institute: A provider of quality employment training and placement services.
Faculty Recruiting Contacts List (Engineering)
Southern Regional Educational Board (
National Society of Black Engineers (
Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers (
Center for Advancement of Hispanics in Science and Engineering Education (